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Episode 7: 5 Signs You're Doing Great Financially with Dr. Annie Cole

Posts Tagged:
Online Learning


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    Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    What Type of Learner Are You?

    Learning is important. Learn how to lean into the learning style that best suits you.

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    Freelance + Entrepreneurship, Job Search Strategies, Salary + Compensation
    20 High-Income Skills to Learn This Year

    We're profiling the skills that will get you the highest income. Do you have any of these high-income skills like Google Analytics, copywriting, and more? Let's find out.

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    Career Transitions
    How to Get Your Real Estate License (+ What You Can Do With It)

    Looking to get your real estate license? While the exact steps vary by state, we've outlined the basic steps to obtaining your real estate license—and the surprising career steps you can take once you have it.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The 10 Toughest Career Life Lessons I've Learned (So Far)

    Your career should be a landscape for constant learning, personal growth, and professional metamorphosis (yep, I said it!) Here are 10 important career lessons I've learned so far.

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    Career Development, Goal-Setting, Hard Skills, Informational Interviews, Professional Development, Soft Skills
    Maneuvering Your Career Shift—The Ultimate Guide

    Is it time for a career shift? It might be! Here's our guide to making the right shift with career development, career advancement, or upskilling your current career. Let's go!

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    Cultivating Confidence, Hard Skills, Professional Development, Soft Skills
    Does Photographic Memory Really Exist + Can You Build One?

    Do you admire people who can look at a piece of paper and remember everything on it? Photographic memory, also known as eidetic memory, is largely inborn, but can you build a picture-perfect memory from scratch?

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    Career Development, Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Hard Skills, Leadership + Management, Professional Development, Soft Skills
    Why Microlearning is the Key to Career Success

    You've heard about online learning and online courses, but what is microlearning? Let's talk about it—and why we're pretty sure that microlearning is the key to real career success.

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    Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    75+ Online Courses for Continuing Education (+ Growing Your Career)

    Does your career change require you to learn new skills? No problem! Here are 75+ online courses (all under $200 a pop!) to help you get on your way to your next career transition or big career change.

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    Professional Development
    6 Ways to Advance Your Career for Free During the Coronavirus Outbreak

    While we practice social distancing and face potential work changes, right now is an ideal time to take steps to get ahead and advance your career.

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    Managing Your Money, Professional Development
    Top 8 Ways to Spend Your Professional Development Perk This Year

    Online learning is becoming increasingly accessible to everyone. Here’s some “distance learning” you might actually enjoy.